Hidden Waters
In collaboration with Tomás and Fanja Bouts
Garments, ceramics, video projection, audio, participatory performance
Exhibited at RWZI, Amstelveen

With a mythological narrative as the starting point, the project merges elements of storytelling, performance, sculpture and illustration, in order to address current relationships between humans, water cycles and local ecosystems.
Visitors were guided in the darkness towards a location where they could listen and watch the illustrated story that was beamed on a water tank. Afterwards the audience was invited to take part in the work by embodying one of its creatures which came into being through a series of connectable garments allowing multiple people to form and move as one collective organism.

The performance took place at the Sludge Sanctuary, “a sacred place of utmost importance for human collectivity. A site of a multispecies collaboration, where bacterias are the enchanters performing purgatory magic. A sanctuary of Sludge, a god of transformation in which the DNAs of human inhabitants merge together, and go through a series of sedimentations, bacterial workings, the process of drying, and ritualistic burning that produces an invisible burst of energy.”