Rebekka Bank (1998, Denmark) is an artist, designer and chef based in Amsterdam. Driven by a multidisciplinary approach she bridges performance, design, ecology, creative writing, and culinary arts into an ever-changing creative mixture.
Her foremost aim is to make works that remind us to be present. Being in a world propelled by efficiency and overstimulation, she is interested in activating deeper levels of attention to cultivate the mindset needed in order to harmonise with our environments. In her work you will encounter elements such as rocks, miniature pockets, imaginary maps, ryegrass, multifunctional garments, recipes and suggestive writing systems, altogether as expressions of the subtle poetic dimensions of our everyday lives that reveals our close relationship to all living things.

Next to her individual practice, she is a part of creative food studio leftover.prep together with Gea Cignozzi, exploring untold stories about crops and food systems expressed through food design, workshops and culinary experiences.