root-to-stem: CELERIAC
Experimental cooking workshop
In collaboration with Gea Cignozzi and organised by bisbis
held at Robin food, Amsterdam
A (metaphorical) dig into the soil, exploring tuberous vegetables and their mesmerising potential. Root-to-stem is a workshop in intuitive cooking methods, diving into the histories of ingredients while experimenting with several dishes centred around celeriac.
By merging cooking and storytelling, food serves as both a medium for artistic expression and a catalyst for meaningful connections inviting the participants for a moment of root vegetable appreciation.
‘”Plants are beings that are ecologically and structurally double: but their bodies are the ones that are anatomically geminated first. The root is like a second body, secret, esoteric, hidden; an antibody, an anatomical antimatter that reverses as in a mirror, point by point, everything the other body does, and that pushes the plant in a direction exactly opposite to that of all the efforts it makes above the surface. Imagine that, for each movement of your body, there is another one that goes the opposite way; imagine that your arms, your mouth, your eyes have an antithetical correspondent in a matter that mirrors perfectly the one that defines the texture of your world: you would then have an idea, albeit a vague one, of what it means to have roots.”
- Emanuele Coccia